3D scanning
What should you know
about our 3D scanning service?
We are constantly expanding our services to meet the demands of the 21st century, so that our partners can take advantage of the latest technological solutions. That is why we also offer 3D digitisation of small to medium-sized plastic or metal parts, enabling us to provide comprehensive quality control and reverse engineering services.
Comprehensive quality control includes the measurement of complex geometries using 3D scanning, with full report generation, comparison of digitisation results and the 3D model of the given part.
The Reverse Engineering service allows you to create 3D documentation for the remanufacturing or archiving of damaged or worn parts, tools.
Több, mint 30 év szakmai tapasztalat
Stabilitás, több,
mint 30 éve
Több, mint 1000 elkészített
magas minőségű szerszám
100% garancia
minden termékünkre
folymatos fejlesztések
Precizitás a
minőségi termélkekért
A tervezéstől a sorozatgyártásig
Our references
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