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Tool manufacturing

High quality tool manufacturing

We are primarily engaged in the construction of plastic injection moulding and cutting tools designed by us, but we also undertake maintenance/renewal of finished tools and repair of injection moulding tools. We are able to provide the opportunity to test the finished tools in our injection moulding facility, for simplifying and shortening the final stages of tool manufacturing.

Our references

More than 35 years of

Stability for
more than 35 years

Nearly 1000 high quality
tools produced

100% guarantee
on all our products

continuous improvement

Precision for
quality products

Project management
from design to mass production

tool manufacturing

Wide range
of uses

Our company offers professional tool manufacturing services. We manufacture/repair the following tools:

Precision tools

Thermosetting and thermoplastic injection moulding tools

Multi-cavity tools

Aluminium injection moulding pressure tools

Cutting/bending/pressing tools

Prototype tools

Thanks to the continuous development of our machine park, we can offer solutions for the most varied tooling needs, from the smallest dimensions to mould base sizes up to 1600×800 mm.

Tooling for any industry

Why choose us?

Fast quotation sending

Fast design

Reliable, modern machine park

Our machine park

EMCO E900CNC machining centre900x600x500 mm
ENSHU S400CNC machining centre450x650x450 mm
Fehlmann 60-MCNC machining centre505x355x610 mm
Fehlmann 900HSCCNC machining centre700x500x500 mm
HAAS EC-1600CNC horizontal milling machine1626x1270x813 mm
HAAS VF – 5/40CNC machining centre1270x660x635 mm
Mazak VARIAXIS i-7005 axle CNC machining centre630x1100x600 mm
Spinner VC1020CNC machining centre1020x610x610 mm
Spinner MVC1600CNC machining centre1600x800x600 mm
TOS FNGJ40 ATool milling machine600x400x400 mm
THYELTool milling machine200x400x300 mm
HECKERT FU 400Tool milling machine400x950x350 mm
SZIM ME1000Tool milling machine200x900x250 mm
Mazak QUICK TURN 300MYInclined bed CNC turning center with driven tool holder270x160x1280 mm
NCT EEN320CNC turning machine320×750 mm
ROMI C420CNC turning machine450×600 mm
SZIM E2NTurning machine250×500 mm
SZIM E3NTurning machine300×700 mm
SZIM E400Turning machine400×900 mm
AEG ElbomatBillet EDM machine500x400x300 mm
SODICK AQ55RBillet EDM machine0550x400x350 mm
SODICK AD30LBillet EDM machine320x200x250
SODICK AQ535LWire EDM machine550x350x300
SODICK AQ535LWire EDM machine550x350x300
SODICK SL400GWire EDM machine400x300x250
SODICK K1CStart drill300 mm
GERISurface grinder1000x350x500 mm
Optimum PFG DL3060 AHSurface grinder600x450x300 mm
ZIERSCH Z24Surface grinder400x300x200 mm
SpinnerTool grinder
SZIM KU250Axle grinder250×800 mm
BEKA-mak BMSY 540CGHBand saw0° – O540
BOMAR Ergonomic 340 275DGHBand saw0° – O278
Vision LWI IV.Mobile laser welding machine
ALPHA LASER AL-T-500Laser welding machine490x400x350+400
TUS 90Smoothing press100t


Micro-hite Mélységmérő 600 mm
Micro-hite Mélységmérő 400 mm
Mitutoyo Koordináta mérőgép 500×400×400 mm
Schröder Keménységmérő
COMET L3D 5M 3D szkenner 100x100x100 mm & 250x250x250 mm
MarVision MM 420 Optikai mérőgép


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